Since I started publishing four years ago I have published a new book every October and April. Sadly, I missed the April book this year putting me way behind. I made the choice last Sept. to Homeschool my two kids (I LOST MY MIND!) lol. All that lovely quiet time I had to write during the school year was replaced with teaching! The good news is that now that I have one year of HS under my belt, I'm much more organized and I think I will be able to get back to the 2 book a year schedule again. So that was the really LONG answer to your questions of why the next books aren't out yet, lol. I'm VERY hopeful that Frozen will be released by the end of Sept. early Oct. With Sun & Smoke following no later than early Jan. That's the hope anyway!
I can't tell you how much it means to me to have readers like you asking for more. It sends me back to the computer to keep working when all I want to do is binge watch Netflix lol.
OK guilty confession... 8 episodes of Stranger Things was just gobbled up. 1000% amazingly epic awesomeness!!!!
Thank you so much and hope you are having a great summer.