<![CDATA[Theresa Shaver ... wrecking worlds one book at a time - Blog]]>Tue, 14 May 2024 12:51:24 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Delay, Delay Delay!!!]]>Mon, 15 Aug 2016 22:06:38 GMThttp://theresashaver.com/blog/delay-delay-delayI am so grateful to the many readers that have asked when the next books in both my series will be out!  I wanted to let everyone know what's happening in my world.

Since I started publishing four years ago I have published a new book every October and April. Sadly, I missed the April book this year putting me way behind. I made the choice last Sept. to Homeschool my two kids (I LOST MY MIND!) lol. All that lovely quiet time I had to write during the school year was replaced with teaching! The good news is that now that I have one year of HS under my belt, I'm much more organized and I think I will be able to get back to the 2 book a year schedule again. So that was the really LONG answer to your questions of why the next books aren't out yet, lol. I'm VERY hopeful that Frozen will be released by the end of Sept. early Oct. With Sun & Smoke following no later than early Jan. That's the hope anyway!
I can't tell you how much it means to me to have readers like you asking for more. It sends me back to the computer to keep working when all I want to do is binge watch Netflix lol.

OK guilty confession... 8 episodes of Stranger Things was just gobbled up. 1000% amazingly epic awesomeness!!!!

 Thank you so much and hope you are having a great summer.


<![CDATA[Summer Madness]]>Wed, 05 Aug 2015 21:14:15 GMThttp://theresashaver.com/blog/summer-madnessHello! I hope everyone is having a fabulous summer!

 It's been 4 months since Snow & Ash was released and I just have to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has provided feedback on it. The reviews have been so amazing and humbling in their kindness. Rain & Ruin is ticking along quite well but slower than I'd like due to two crazy kids demanding ice cream, spray parks and camping. I'm still managing to squeeze in some writing but I'm looking forward to that sweet binge writing time in the fall. I don't have a release date for book 2 yet but hoping for sometime in late fall. I'm also looking for feedback and ideas for the title of Book 3 Sun &....??? Let's hear your ideas on that on please!

Trying out something different for the Stranded Series!

Amazon has come out with an amazing plan called Kindle Unlimited. Customers can now read as many books in a month as they want for only $9.99. This is mind blowing for me because I read like a fiend and it costs me huge dollars. For the cost of the entire Stranded Series you could read as many books as you want!!! As an author I love that readers can get my books at an affordable rate and this just makes it even cheaper. The only problem for me is that the books need to be exclusive to Amazon to be included in the Kindle Unlimited library. I had a real problem with this as I know many of my readers buy on other platforms. The great thing about tech now is APPs. You don't need to have a Kindle ereader to be able to read Kindle books. Amazon has a FREE app for every device to download and read their books. I finally decided to go for it. So I pulled the Stranded Series from all retail channels but Amazon and they will now be available to read for free with Kindle Unlimited. Snow & Ash and Rain & Ruin will still be available on all retail channels.

That's all the news for now so use lots of sun screen and remember that it might be too hot today but enjoy it anyways because WINTER IS COMING!!! LOL

<![CDATA[Life gets in the way!]]>Tue, 09 Dec 2014 17:06:03 GMThttp://theresashaver.com/blog/life-gets-in-the-wayHello, I can't believe the year is almost over! Time has flown by for me and mine since I last posted. Many people have asked where Endless Winter is and when it will be released. So just a quick update on that. I don't know! I'm hoping it will be in early spring at the latest but it should be before that. Writing the Stranded Series was pure joy and utter chaos as I put out 4 books in 2 years. It took a bit of a toll on my family who was used to having Mom at their beck and call LOL. So I had to slow down a bit and re balance for the good of all. We did some renos on our home and then put it on the market and sold it. Anyone who has done either of these things knows that your home stops being yours during that time and you don't get a lot of peace and quiet. Thankfully those 3 months of eating out A LOT are over and we move the first week of January. I'm so excited to finally have my very own office and expect to be very productive!

I just want to thank everyone for sticking with me and asking for more! Snow & Ash An Endless Winter Novel is coming followed by Rain & Ruin and then the 5th book in the Stranded Series, Frozen. That's all for now. I have to go wrap Christmas presents and then pack a few boxes for the move!


<![CDATA[Brand new world]]>Sun, 04 May 2014 01:17:18 GMThttp://theresashaver.com/blog/brand-new-worldSo today I created a web site...ok not today, for the past few weeks I have been wading through this world of templates and designs with a lot of cursing, head banging and begging. Today, it finally clicked and I understood what I was doing...sort of! Anyways, I got it done as far as I can and I'm happy with it...for now lol. I self published Land 2 years ago and just kept on going with the rest of the series until it is now complete. I ignored all the things I was supposed to do with marketing and technology and just stayed with the writing. So now I'm playing catch up and trying to reach out to all the fans that have read the series. I really want to hear from you and hope you will stay with me as I continue this crazy journey ]]>